Making Your Restaurant Go Viral on Social Media
Social media has become an important marketing tool for businesses globally. People in the service industry, such as restaurant owners and managers, should therefore ensure that they have a noticeable social media presence. The truth is it can be particularly difficult to stand out in a space with thousands of businesses doing the same thing as you are. Some tips that can help your business go viral on social media are as follows.
Use Humour
One of the main reasons for any piece of information to go viral is when they are funny and light-hearted and people are compelled to share. Post some hilarious things on your timeline, and make fun of circumstances that happen within the restaurant. Remember that you have to be tasteful when using humour and avoid topics that could potentially be offensive.
Jump on Trends
Be on the lookout for trends that are happening in the online space, and find ways in which the restaurant could participate. If it is a trend that makes sense, then why not? If there is a “dance challenge” happening, and the online world is going crazy about it, you might as well get a few people from the restaurant who enjoy dancing and do a quick video that will get people clicking into your restaurant. This puts your name out there and gets people to know about your existence.
Post Regularly
The main way to go viral on any social media platform is to keep posting regularly. When you are just getting started, it might feel like you are not getting any interactions. However, the more you post, the more likely you are to get a larger following which will then share your posts and help you reach many people. For a restaurant, you should ensure that your posts have photos, videos and words that actually encourage people to visit or order from your establishment.